Using Email APIs to test your app
How to send and receive email in applications and tests using on-demand email accounts.
MailSlurp is an email API service for creating email addresses on demand from which you can send and receive email in code or online. It has a simple HTTP API plus official libraries in Javascript, Python, PHP, Java, Golang, Ruby, Objective C, and C# / DotNet.
Email addresses on demand
Create new private email addresses on demand from applications or tests. (Examples in Javascript but available in all languages.)
// create a randomly assigned email address
const inbox = await mailslurp.createInbox()
// create a custom email address with your own domain
const customInbox = await mailslurp.createInbox('')
Fetch emails in code
Receive emails directly in tests or applications.
// hold connection open until first email found or timeout
const email = await mailslurp.waitForLatestEmail(
console.log(email.subject, email.body, email.attachments)
// more examples
const nthEmail = await mailslurp.waitForNthEmail(, index)
const emails = await mailslurp.waitForEmailCountinbox(, count)
Use pattern matching
Search for emails matching field or body conditions. Use email with powerful helper functions.
// fetch in tests
const welcomeEmails = await mailslurp.waitForMatchingEmails({
matches: [
field: 'SUBJECT',
should: 'CONTAIN',
value: 'Welcome'
}, count,
Extract content and verify
You can use MailSlurp to extract email contents and attachments for use in tests or email processing pipelines.
const testInbox = await mailslurp.createInbox()
const user = await myApp.signUp(testInbox.emailAddress)
// verify that confirmation email was sent by your app
const email = await mailslurp.waitForLatestEmail(
// confirm the user using the code
const [_, verificationCode] = /your code is "([0-9]{6})"/g.exec(email.body)
// do something with code like verifying an account
await myApp.confirmUser(verificationCode)
Send email attachments
Easily send attachments and emails in code without SMTP setup.
// upload attachments to mailslurp
const file = fs.readFileSync(path);
const [id] = await mailslurp.uploadAttachment({
base64Contents: new Buffer(file).toString('base64'),
filename: '',
contentType: ''
// attach the files with id to send
mailslurp.sendEmail(, {
to: [''],
attachments: [id]
WebHook queues
Have received messages sent directly to your server in a queue system with webhooks.
// get messages sent to your server
fun receiveEmails(emailEvent: Map<String,String>) {
// respond to event
Send templated emails
Send HTML emails with Handlebars templating support.
mailslurp.sendEmail(, {
to: [''],
subject: 'Hello {{name}}',
body: 'Dear {{name}}, your code is {{code}}.',
templateVars: {
name: '',
code: ''
Convenient UI
Manage your API usage and team access with our online dashboard.
MailSlurp is free for personal use and scales with your team. Try it today.
Originally published at